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Tree Ripened
Fresh Peaches
Apple Hill Orchard has grown peaches for decades. At this time we solely grow yellow, freestone peaches!
2024 Update
We currently have our best and largest crop of peaches in years! Our Farm Market will open early to mid July on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays along with our Bakery. The exact date will be published on our website, posted to facebook, and sent to anyone who has signed up for our email list. We can't wait!
When is peach season?
Peaches begin ripening around early July, and we pick peaches until mid August.
What does freestone mean?
At their center, all peaches have a pit. If the peach is cut in half and the pit easily pops out, it is freestone.

An Apple Orchard That Grows Peaches?
We Sure Do!
Yellow Peaches
Very juicy and sweet with a
slight tart bite
Listed in order of ripening:
Flaming Fury
Red Globe
Carolina Gold
Flame Prince
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