Visitor Guidelines
Helpful information for a fun & safe visit on the hill.
Farm Manners
​Please note our new policies effective for 2020 season.
Sadly, due to an aggressive dog attack, our K9 friends will need to be left at home. We hate to have to implement this rule, as we love our fur friends, but it will make it safer for everyone in the future.
No one is allowed on the property when we are closed. Only visit during business hours.
No smoking please. While visiting, please refrain from smoking or vaping.
No alcohol or drugs are permitted. Help maintain a family-friendly environment.
No grilling, fires, or open flames allowed.
There are no electrical outlets or access available.
For everyone's safety, please monitor children closely; we are a working farm with farm equipment.
Pick Your Own Policies
​Please note our new policies effective for 2020 season.
Are you curious about what's available for U-pick? Check out our Apple Availability page to see what apple varieties are in our store and what is open for picking.
Check in before going into the orchard to pick apples. During the week, stop in the Farm Market to check in; on Saturdays, follow the signs to our Apple Pickin' Shed.
When you arrive at U-Pick check-in, you will purchase picking bags. To maintain social distancing, there will be no need to return to check-out after picking your apples.
Only pick what you wish to purchase. You are responsible for everything you and members of your group pick. Please help us prevent waste and be responsible with the fruits we grow.
Treat our trees and their fruit gently. Do not climb trees, break branches, shake trees, or throw fruit.
We provide wagons for hauling fruit. Please do not ride in wagons. Only one wagon allowed per group. Return the wagons to the Apple House. You are welcome to bring your own wagons.
Only enter the orchard if you are steady on your feet and have proper footwear. The orchard contains sloping and steep areas that can be difficult to traverse.
Do not take personal bags or containers into the orchard for picking. Picking bags will be provided when you check in.